Dear Jussi, Ladies and Gentlemen, in a short time Apple IOS 18 will be released. I would like to ask if you are well prepared for any trouble shooting maybe cause from IOS 18 using the Kadermanager App on cell phones. Last time in April (update to IOS 17.4) it took a very very long time until the problem was fixed by your tecnicians. Of course, I know about the PWA app in emergency case, but it’s essential that the normal app is working, for me and all users! Any problem with IOS 18 should be resolved in a quite short time please. Thanks you very much, Thomas
Thank you for raising this concern – it’s great to see our users being proactive and engaged.
It is good to be prepared! While the issue with iOS 17.4 was certainly a challenge and took longer than any of us would have liked, it was an exception rather than the norm. Over the years, we’ve successfully navigated many iOS updates, both major and minor, without disruptions to the app.
It’s not just the operating system that can cause hiccups – sometimes new device form factors, like the infamous „notch,“ bring their own challenges. Staying ahead of these changes is part of our daily work. We’re constantly monitoring, testing, and improving the system both server-side and client-side to ensure smooth running.
So in short, yes, we are prepared.